Our Stewardship Team
Otherwise, it was a non-descript day as I walked through the Community Employment section of our building to get to Accounting. But seated at one of the tables in Community Employment was a LIFESPAN Ambassador with a client. I greeted the Ambassador by name and then extended my hand to meet the individual entrusted to our care. She did not extend her hand in response and in that instant, I realized that she was in some way seeing impaired. I sat down and introduced myself and we struck up a conversation. She was ecstatic. Not because I had sat down and engaged in conversation, but because she had just landed a job. She was going to get to go to work. With exuberance she told me what she would be doing and where she would be doing it; how much she loved her "Job Coach" and how much she loved LIFESPAN. In the scheme of things and to many in society, the job she would be doing would be considered a menial task, but you and I know better. We know the big difference little changes can make in the lives of the individuals we serve. To her the new job was life-changing! I've seen firsthand the effect that appropriate funding combined with innovation, imagination and compassion can have in transforming the lives of the individuals we serve. It is my "calling" to tell the story of LIFESPAN, and advocate on behalf of our Ambassadors, the individuals we serve, and this amazing organization. Everything I do at and for LIFESPAN, I do so that our employees flourish and the individuals we serve can have options in life; enjoy choices, make their own decisions, and experience what I call the "precious ordinary" of life.
Reverend Ken Fuquay
President/Chief Ambassador of Empowerment
I have a passion for non-profit organizations and LIFESPAN's mission because I see the value that they add to people’s lives each day with disabilities. My father always told me that one of life’s principles is to give more than you take. I see this each day as our ambassadors care for our individuals, that is why I have been here 16 years.
Donella Brown
Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
I make a difference every day in the lives of individuals we support and am part of a dynamic organization. Seeing individuals do something for the first time and gain independence in their lives is a truly heartwarming feeling I have each and every day. This is my home, my second family, and I can’t think of anywhere else I would rather be than right here at LIFESPAN doing what we do best.
Robin Devore
Chief Compliance Officer
I love working for LIFESPAN because our team of ambassadors has the passion to dream and offer services that lead disability services in NC. My vision is that through Philanthropy, LIFESPAN will be able to offer state-of-the-art, best practice services to help each individual we serve grow, gain skills and work towards independence.
Sara Trexler
Chief Philanthropy Officer
There is nothing more powerful than being a part of a person’s life journey. My passion is to support people to be the best version of themselves. I have seen so many success stories that have been life-changing for them and their families. This just fuels my soul, to walk the path of life with the next person facing many obstacles and seeing no solution. There is nothing else I would rather do in life than to be a resource for those that don’t see any way possible to achieve certain life goals. Anything is possible once you believe in yourself and your abilities.
Christopher White
Chief Operating Officer
As an ambassador of LIFESPAN Services, I do what I do to support the ambassadors and their families throughout their employment lifecycle. To give them a voice of reason and security. My initiatives are to give them peace of mind as they provide quality care and services to the individuals and families supported by LIFESPAN.
Barbara Wilson
Secretary and Chief Human Resources Officer
Corporate Office:
1511 Shopton Road, Suite A
Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone: (704) 944 5100
Fax: (704) 944-5102
Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-814-5400. The license is not an endorsement by the State.